In reply to
M Elliots letter of the
transmitting copies of two communications from the Treasurer
British Columbia, asking for a supply of Stationery and
other articles for the use of his Department, I am commanded
by the
Lords Commissoners of Her Majesty's Treasury to
acquaint you, for the information of
Sir E. Bulwer Lytton
that they have desired the Comptroller of the Stationery
Office to furnish, for the use of the Department in question,
a supply of Ledgers, Cash, Day, Memoranda Books and other

articles suitable to a Treasurer's Office, together with a
supply of large-sized folio paper of the most durable kind,
required for the purpose of Registration of Titles to Lands.
As regards the supply of Stamps for the Colony, My
Lords have thought proper to request the Commissioners of
Inland Revenue to advise them as to the arrangements which
it will be most advisable to make and

have transmitted
copies of
M Elliot's letter and enclosures to the
Commissioners for that purpose.
P.S. Their Lordships have instructed the Comm of Audit
to communicate with the Comptroller of the Stationery
Office as to the Books, Printed forms &c to be supplied
for the use of the New Colony; and to furnish my Lord with
such Instructions as they may consider necessary for the Treasurer.