I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of the
in regard to Stationery required for
and I beg to state with reference to this matter for the information of
Sir Bulwer Lytton.
I observe that you desire me to send an Estimate of the cost of the
articles to be sent out, for
Sir Bulwer Lytton's approval. I presume
however, that this paragraph must have been inserted in your letter by a
No such Estimates have been supplied by this Office for many
years past. And I have already had occasion in my letter to
Barnard of the
30 June
to bring the subject under
Sir Bulwer's notice, and to show the entire
worthlessness of such Estimates, and the time, trouble, and expense
needed for making them out. I, therefore, take it for granted that the
preliminary Estimate will not be required. It is enough surely, if only
necessary articles be ordered, to know that they are supplied at the
lowest prices at which they can be obtained, under a system of fair
competition. I beg to add that there is not a Clerk here who could be
spared to make out such Estimates.