-ienhwi-/-nienhwi-/-ien-/-nien-Please note that any Wendat form with one or two hyphens attached to it is not a word. The hyphens indicate that the form must take a prefix, a suffix, or both, in order to create a full word in Wendat. Wendat forms with hyphens cannot be used on their own. |
Definition |
Part of Speech | verb root |
Conjugation Class | C-stem |
-ienhwi- |
Phonological Form | -wyęhwi- |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-wyęhwi- |
-nienhwi- |
Phonological Form | -wyęhwi- |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-wyęhwi- |
-ien- |
Phonological Form | -wyę- |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-wyę- |
-nien- |
Phonological Form | -wyę- |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-wyę- |
Verb Class | agent stative verb |
Noun Incorporation Status | Noun incorporation optionally occurs with this form. |
Notes |
Note on usage:
This verb root was historically *-wyęhwi-, and for that reason, it is part of the C-stem conjugation class. Note on usage:
The forms -ien- and -nien- are used only before the -st- causative suffix. |
Examples for entry
- aayeienhwiha’
I might, could, would, or should learn how to do it
- a’yeienhwiha’
I just learned how to do it, I am learning how to do it now
- Chiehonwaienhwih ?
Do you know how to make canoes?
- ehänienhwiha’
he will learn, he will complete it, he will know how to do it
- Satrihwänienstah !
Learn this thing, study it, make an effort to instruct yourself well!
- seienhwihah
Learn how to do it!
- stan’ te’wayeienhwi’ndih
I have not learned how to do it, I could not finish it, I did not know how to finish it
- yeienhwi’s
I learn how to do things, I am learning how to do something
- yeienhwi’skwa’
I used to learn how to do things
Verb stems
-ienhwih / -nienhwih
Stem type: Stative stemPronominal Prefixes: AgentComposition
Orthography -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien- -h Phonological Form -wyęhwi- / -wyę- -h Interlinear gloss know.how stat Stem (verb) -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien- -h Base (verb) -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien- Root (verb) -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien- Stem examples
- yëniehwih
I know how to do that
-ienhwihnen’ / -nienhwihnen’
Stem type: Stative past stemPronominal Prefixes: AgentComposition
Orthography -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien- -h -nen’ Phonological Form -wyęhwi- / -wyę- -h -nęʔ Interlinear gloss know.how stat past Stem (verb) -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien- -h -nen’ Base (verb) -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien- Root (verb) -ienhwi- / -nienhwi- / -ien- / -nien-
- yëniehwih