Places mentioned in: Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 6, Elis, continued

  1. Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
  2. Sicyon
  3. Argos
  4. Olympia
  5. Delphi
  6. Isthmus
  7. Nemea
  8. Acarnania Undefinable Political Region in the Southwest of Mainland Greece
  9. Sparta
  10. Corinth
  11. Elis Region in western Peloponnese founded by Endymion
  12. Miletus
  13. Syracuse A prominent city-state in Sicily
  14. Peloponnese
  15. Messene
  16. Sicily
  17. Naupactus
  18. Egypt
  19. Boeotia
  20. Leuctra
  21. Corcyra
  22. Achaia
  23. Plataea
  24. Heraclea
  25. Caulonia A municipality in the Italian region of Calabria.
  26. Italy
  27. Aegium
  28. Ephesus
  29. Ithome
  30. Ionia
  31. Aegospotami
  32. Knidos An ancient Greek city of Caria
  33. Samos
  34. Rhegium
  35. Patrae
  36. Lamia
  37. Thessaly
  38. Thrace
  39. Assos An ancient city of prosperity located in present day Turkey.
  40. Troad
  41. Land of the Doliones
  42. Macedonia
  43. Mantinea
  44. Knossos
  45. Himera Located on the north coast of Sicily
  46. Pherai
  47. Athens
  48. Thurii
  49. Heaven
  50. Abdera
  51. Mount Olympus
  52. Susa
  53. Phialia Located in south west Arcadia
  54. Rhodes
  55. Thebes
  56. Locris
  57. Thasos
  58. Troy
  59. Megara
  60. Caunus An ancient city located in modern day Turkey.
  61. Stymphalus
  62. Pellene
  63. Parrhasia
  64. Cyrene
  65. Cleonae
  66. Troezen
  67. Aegina An Island
  68. Chios
  69. Rome
  70. Gela
  71. Crotone
  72. Epidaurus
  73. Anthedon
  74. Tarentum Greek colony in Southern Italy
  75. Dyrrhachium Previously known as the city of Epidamnus
  76. Greece
  77. Phthia
  78. Carthage
  79. Triteia
  80. Megalopolis
  81. Xanthos A city of Lycia.
  82. Ceramus
  83. Caria
  84. Asia
  85. Naxos
  86. Tralles
  87. Smyrna
  88. Eretria
  89. Cos
  90. Apollonia A town in the vicinity of Thrace.
  91. Andros
  92. Mitylene Capital of Lesbos
  93. Sardes
  94. Erythrae
  95. Hellas
  96. Chersonese A village on a peninsula near the harbour of Lyctus.
  97. Crete
  98. Aegean Sea
  99. Psophis
  100. Tenedos
  101. Clazomenae
  102. Magnesia
  103. Colophon
  104. Olynthus
  105. Lampsacus
  106. Tartessus
  107. Caucasian Iberia
  108. Phocis
  109. Chersonese Located on the modern day Gallipoli peninsula on the Aegean Sea.
  110. Lupiae In ancient times, Lupia was an Indigenous settlement in southern Italy. It is present day Lecce.
  111. Brundisium A city in Italy with a much coveted port.
  112. Hydrus Referenced by Pausanius as being located by Brundusium,although no other supporting references have been found. .
  113. Selinus A city in Sicily.
  114. Metapontum
  115. Attica
  116. River Achelous
  117. Midea
  118. Argolis Region in northeastern Peloponnese
  119. Phlius
  120. Pisa
  121. Mount Pentelicus Mountain in Attica famous for its Honey-Brown Marble
  122. Erymanthus
  123. Pholoe
  124. Phrixa One of six towns in Triphylia.
  125. Cydonia The site of Kydonia is located in modern day Chania, on the island of Crete.
  126. Acriae
  127. River Ladon
  128. Sphacteria An island where the Athenians trapped and defeated the Spartans in 425 BCE
  129. Letrini
  130. Alexandria
  131. Petra
  132. Pergamum
  133. Syene
  134. Kyllene Although the geography is unclear, it is estimated that Kyllene was a port town located a the base of Mt. Kyllene, in the municipality of Elis.
  135. Cyllene
  136. Red Sea
  137. Nile
  138. Abasa
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