Places mentioned in: Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 4, Messenia

  1. Messenia Region in southwest Peloponnese
  2. Laconia
  3. Gerenia
  4. Messene
  5. Argos
  6. Sparta
  7. Andania
  8. Leuctra
  9. Ithome
  10. Troy
  11. Pylos
  12. Arene
  13. Ithaca
  14. Pherai
  15. Eleusis
  16. Bene A town in Crete. Birthplace of the poet Rhianus.
  17. Crete
  18. Thebes
  19. Oechalia
  20. Miletus
  21. Eretria
  22. Argolis Region in northeastern Peloponnese
  23. Iolcus
  24. Athens
  25. Ephesus
  26. Tricca
  27. Stenyclerus
  28. Delos
  29. Areopagus A Hill in Athens used for trials
  30. Asia Minor
  31. Delphi
  32. Cassandreia A key city in ancient Macedonia.
  33. Priene An ancient Ionian city, located on the coast of Turkey.
  34. Asine
  35. Isthmus
  36. Sicyon
  37. Sanctuary of Zeus at Messene
  38. Corinth
  39. Amyclae
  40. Peloponnese
  41. Lebadeia
  42. Boeotia
  43. Pharis
  44. Aegila Sanctuary to Demeter here
  45. Trapezus
  46. Aegospotami
  47. Asia
  48. Olympia
  49. Lyktos
  50. Elis Region in western Peloponnese founded by Endymion
  51. Cephallenia Modern Kefalonia
  52. Aptera
  53. Smyrna
  54. Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
  55. Kyllene Although the geography is unclear, it is estimated that Kyllene was a port town located a the base of Mt. Kyllene, in the municipality of Elis.
  56. Cyllene
  57. Zacynthos
  58. Sardinia
  59. Italy
  60. Rhegium
  61. Sicily
  62. Khalkis
  63. Libya
  64. Babylon
  65. Phialia Located in south west Arcadia
  66. Heraclea
  67. Ialysos
  68. Rhodes
  69. Sardes
  70. Ecbatana Important city of the Persian Empire
  71. Nauplia
  72. Taenarum A Peninsula located at modern-day Cape Matapan, believed to hold access to the Underworld.
  73. Naupactus
  74. Aetolia A Region
  75. Acarnania Undefinable Political Region in the Southwest of Mainland Greece
  76. Marathon
  77. Sphacteria An island where the Athenians trapped and defeated the Spartans in 425 BCE
  78. Thurii
  79. Adramytium
  80. Orchomenus
  81. Attica
  82. Greece
  83. Sellasia
  84. Megalopolis
  85. Abia
  86. Chios
  87. Calamae
  88. Mount Taygetos The Sanctuary of Artemis Limnatis.
  89. Susa
  90. Persia
  91. Phocis
  92. Byzantium An ancient Greek colony located in modern day Istanbul.
  93. Patrae
  94. Parnassus
  95. Achaia
  96. Phocaea
  97. Sea
  98. Rhine A river in Germany.
  99. Maeander
  100. River Achelous
  101. Indus
  102. Danube The westernmost of the Scythian Rivers, beginning in Germany and ending in the Black Sea.
  103. Euphrates River
  104. River Phasis
  105. Nile
  106. Thesprotia
  107. Corone Former municipality in Messenia, Greece.
  108. Coronea
  109. Hermion
  110. Styra
  111. Epirus
  112. Thermopylae
  113. Jaffa
  114. Lesbos
  115. Atarneus An ancient Greek city in the region of Aeolis, located modern day Turkey.
  116. Caria
  117. Dicaearchia City in Campania known for an acidic hot spring.
  118. Thessaly
  119. Rheneia An island in the Cyclades.
  120. Caphereus
  121. Euboea
  122. Salamis
  123. Aulon A valley near the Greek coastline that held the temple Asclepius Aulonius, near the river Cyparissus.
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