People mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 13, Trojans Attack the Ships
- Zeus
- Hector
- Poseidon
- Priam
- Calchas
- Ajax
- Oileus
- Ajax
- Telamon
- Teucer
- Leitus
- Peneleos
- Thoas
- Deipylus
- Meriones
- Antilochus
- Agamemnon
- Atreus
- Achilles
- Ares
- Athena
- Deiphobus
- Imbrius
- Mentor
- Medesicaste
- Amphimachus
- Cteatus
- Actor
- Stichius
- Menestheus
- Idomeneus
- Andraemon
- Molus
- Phobus
- Demeter
- Cronus
- Thetis
- Othryoneus
- Cassandra
- Dardanus
- Asius
- Nestor
- Hypsenor
- Hippasus
- Hades
- Mecisteus
- Echios
- Alastor
- Alcathous
- Aisyetes
- Anchises
- Hippodamia
- Minos
- Deucalion
- Aeneas
- Ascalaphus
- Aphareus
- Paris
- Agenor
- Oinomaos
- Polites
- Caletor
- Thoon
- Adamas
- Asius
- Helenus
- Menelaus
- Peisandros
- Harpalion
- Pylaemenes
- Euchenor
- Polyidus
- Protesilaus
- Peteos
- Pheidas
- Bias
- Meges
- Phyleus
- Amphion
- Drakios
- Medon
- Podarces
- Eriopis
- Iphiclus
- Phylacus
- Polydamas
- Panthoos
- Hyrtacus
- Helen
- Cebriones
- Phalces
- Orthaios
- Polyphetes
- Palmys
- Ascanius
- Morys
- Hippotion
- Hera
- Apollo
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