Website for Wikipedia Editing
Ying Liu (PAAS Librarian) and Tatiana Popova (PASS student) want to create a site that 1) documents how a specific course is using wikipedia editing as an academic task and 2) provides material for instructors of other courses who wish to do the same.
The standard approach is what they call libguides (, using the example at They want the documentation bit to be private and the reference material to be public. They also hope that future users of the material will contribute to the documentation and the reference material.
We talked about how to implement two aspects and after consdering writing and hosting their own site elected not to as it would take longer to build and would be subject to user permissions issues for the privacy part. The example we looked at was Ease of user management and simplicity of building and maintaining the site favoured creating two accounts in the libguide system.
Ying is going to talk with Matt Huculak to confirm suitability of libguide given their constraints, then Matt will talk with Stewart if there are any issues. HCMC may be involved in training Tatiana in particular if there is HTML and CSS modifications that can be made within the libguide environment.