Testing rebuild of Servitengasse site
: Stewart Arneil
Minutes: 240
Helga requested edits to half a dozen records (text edits, adding or reordering locations). I used that as a chance to follow the rebuild and post site instructions included in a Readme file on the site. It took about three hours of tedious mechanical work to follow the procedure and edit it as I was going. The worst task is generating a different version of the json and js files from the xml data file for each year between current and 2046 (i.e. 24 currently) and then copying those from my local computer to the server. The rest of the build process happens on the server. It takes only a few minutes to copy the files from the dev instance to the production instance.
The build process creates a complete html data folder for each year from current+1 to 2046, so the site needs to be built only if the data in it changes. It takes less than half an hour to copy all the files from one of the annualized html folders to the working html folder viewed by the public.