Sencoten 2024-09-09 to 2024-09-13
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 465
On Wednesday, got content from the band via SK, and on Thursday I started working on it. Encoded the bilingual intro and guide to sections in TEI, and then wrote templates to render them. Also got a JPG image of DE for the title page, and spent an inordinate amount of time figuring out how to centre it with FOP; the best option seems to be to put it in a table with three columns of specified width, with the image in the middle one. Then I discovered that I had the initial pages of sequences configured with verso margins instead of rectos, and a couple of other minor issues that would be more noticeable on print output than they are on screen.
On Thursday, did some more changes per SK.
On Friday, got some final tweaks done, and it seems we’re ready for printing.