Sencoten 2023-06-12 to 2023-06-16
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 450
On Wednesday, met with the whole team and had a very productive discussion, where some of our questions where answered, leading to tweaks to the sort algorithm, for instance, and got some instructions on how to proceed with the next round of work on the PDF.
On Thursday, started making some of the changes to support the various different options they want to see; got some stuff working well, but other things (such as running header content) are failing in the second half of the document, which is annoying. Need a run of a couple of hours to get that working.
On Friday, spent most of the day getting the rest of the pieces in place, so we now have a setup where four versions are being generated and adding new versions and new features is very straightforward; the root-based index is now being generated, and we have a title page, a table of contents, and an intro space before the three main sequences. Sent these to TS to be circulated to the team.