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HCMC Journal

PWFC 2025-01-13 to 2025-01-17

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 525

On Monday, started woking on fully tooling up the Spotlight encoding and build process. Created a new XPR file for that project, and its own Document Type Association; tweaked the schema build process so that it outputs to the same folder as the ODD file; removed hard-coded xml-model declarations in favour of the DTA; and started thinking about a proper ODD-to-schema build run by Ant which would pre-generate the XSLT for Schematron. By the end of the day I had most of this working; after experimenting with the SchXslt ant task jar, I decided that our previous approach of compiling the XSLT at schema-build time and then running it over the complete collection before reporting would work better, since the SchXslt processor only seems to be able to handle one file at a time.

On Tuesday, continued work on reorganizing the repo to better support building and validation. Got RNG and Schematron validation working for both the LOI-facing file collection and the Spotlights collection; wrote a build file for the Spotlights schema; and made a number of updates and changes to both schemas to make for better validation.

On Wednesday, started working on the documentation build, aiming for something as clean and usable as the DVPP documentation. For some reason the current build using the TEI Stylesheets doesn’t generate exactly the same structures, so there’s a fair amount of work to do modifying the JS and CSS. Got to a workable output by the end of the day, but there’s more to do.

On Thursday, integrated a pre-build file that transforms the ODD to include the keyboard shortcuts from the xpr file, and will be the place where we put taxonomy injections eventually. Discussed the <teiHeader> with ALSB and JJ, and made some decisions about tagging.