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HCMC Journal

Moses 2024-11-11 to 2024-11-15

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 320

On Tuesday, added three new diagnostics one a feature of an existing diagnostic) per request from EH/SK. Then started working on fixes for the print dictionary from the latest list.

On Wednesday, did two more fixes for the print edition per the latest list.

On Thursday, started hacking away at a problem of trailing space in translated hyphs, but really was not able to get anywhere, despite putting a lot of time in. I think the next thing to try is to update Saxon, since I believe this is some kind of processor-related whitespace bug.

On Friday, upgraded Saxon to 12.5 and started debugging and updating code to take account of the change (mostly paths, and the switch from document-uri() to base-uri()). That didn’t solve the problem, but eventually I traced it back to whitespace in the original source XML, which is arbitrarily present or absent; I added a template to strip it as part of pre-processing, and that seems to have worked for this specific problem. Then I worked on similar solutions to other leading and trailing whitespace, and some formatting fixes.