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HCMC Journal

Monument 2024-12-02 to 2024-12-06

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 525

On Monday, continued working through the substantial Nov 24 spreadsheet. Meanwhile, another one came in from SI.

On Tuesday, wrote the code to generate the namelist according to the location and organization as specified at the community consultation, and sent examples to the team working on the stones. The format is currently plain text, and I’m sure they’ll want some additional features, but for the moment it’s a step in the right direction, and it also tests the model for generating names like this so that when we come to do it for the final site it’ll be robust.

On Wednesday, made a tweak to to the output to add a BOM and to change layout a bit. Some correspondence with ST regarding contracts and plans. Made a lot of progress on the Nov 24 spreadsheet too.

On Thursday worked through the remaining Nov 24 items, and released a new version of the public site. Then started working on the Dec 1 spreadsheet.

On Friday, continued working on the spreadsheet, and had some discussions with JJ on project organization issues.