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HCMC Journal

Monument 2024-11-25 to 2024-11-29

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 685

Over the weekend did some research on one thorny case, and on Monday started working through the Nov 21 spreadsheet; meanwhile, another one came in on the 24th. By the end of the day I had completed the one from the 21st, with a couple of queries outstanding.

On Tuesday, met with ST and GN ahead of tomorrow’s consultation, and started planning the budget for the website.

On Wednesday, worked on issues from the diagnostics, and caught up with problems resolved in emails. Then went to the community consultation session at Gorge Park and got lots of useful information and contacts which should help us clarify what we need to do and provide. After the meeting, I started work on integrating the higher-level zone groupings and sequencing that will organize the names on the stones.

On Thursday, worked through one page of the latest spreadsheet, then continued working on the place hierarchy, which is a tree, but with different hierarchical depths; after fighting with maps for a bit, I ended up deciding to model it with a basic XML structure, which I think will work fine, and be much easier to process.

On Friday, continued work on the latest spreadsheet.