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HCMC Journal

Monument 2024-05-21 to 2024-05-24

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 250

Over the weekend I worked on the latest spreadsheet, and ended up writing some diagnostic-protected code for auto-merging original location changes; the diagnostic bit threw up lots of queries for MA and SI, which I sent off, and on Tuesday I got detailed responses (one still outstanding) and finished off the actual code that will run once the diagnostics are cleared. In the meantime, I worked on some other fixes from the spreadsheet.

On Wednesday I was able to run the location update code, which took a while, after fixing a few more problems manually. Then I worked through the sheet of forename fixes, and released a new version of the public site.

On Thursday, did a couple more fixes based on feedback from SI.

On Friday, replaced the About page content for the public site with a new draft from MA, and published a new version.