MAJW 2024-05-13 to 2024-05-17
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 190
On Monday, got back to the task of generating all the required info for the family tree graph in the XML, as an approach to separating concerns; we want to separate the logic that builds the information set from the logic that actually outputs the dot file. The three things required are:
- A collection of spouse-clusters. These are sets of individuals who are married to each other, along with any other marriage partners they have. This is required to be able to cluster these nodes in the tree, to avoid long connecting edges.
- A collection of distinct marriage-nodes, one for each marriage that exists. Marriages are constructed as nodes in the tree, linked from each of the partners.
- A collection of links between children and the marriages they spring from. This is slightly complicated because for any given child, we may only know one of the parents; if that parent has multiple spouses, then we have to link the child to all of the resulting marriages, but if the child has relations to both parents, then we should only link to that one marriage, even if the parents may have had other spouses too.
On Monday, I completed the first two. On Tuesday, I completed and tested the third, and checked in with DA, who suggested we also need to create child clusters based on the spouse clusters, so I also did that.