MAJW 2023-06-21 to 2023-06-23
to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 300
Had a team meeting Wednesday on Zoom to figure out what JP can do while AB and I are out. Interrupted annoyingly by Shaw Cable outage.
On Thursday did a lot of work making the manuscript xml:ids human-readable and useful, and uncovered what I believe to be four errors from the original db in the process (wrong repository); waiting for confirmation on that. Also ran a bunch of diagnostics to confirm the way my build code is working, and determined that we can dispense with links from people to events, since they replicate links from events to people; removed them with an identity transform, and tested the results. This enabled me to simplify the code template insertion for people. Things are getting a bit simpler as we figure out what we do and don’t need to keep from the original db transformation.
On Friday, added a new complete sources page for the use of encoders, and then started in on the documentation for workflow, which will take a while. Fixed the errors mentioned above after confirmation from AB.