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HCMC Journal

British Book Trade Index (BBTI) project 2024-12-21 to 2025-01-01

to : Martin Holmes
Minutes: 730

This is not official HCMC time, since it’s just a pro-d project I’m continuing into my vacation, but I want to track the time spent on it because part of the pro-d purpose was to find out how long this sort of work takes.

On the evening of the 20th I worked on a couple of CSS issues to make the site render more effectively on small-format devices, and fixes a couple of minor issues in the data. On the 21st, I built out the GitHub Issues ticket labels and created a few tickets for things I know need doing, and interacted by email with some folks from the BBTI community.

On the 22nd and 23rd, I continued raising and working on tickets with JJ, adding new diagnostics and fixing many typos in the source data. Also raised a long question on the protocols for dates in records, which I believe needs some clear feedback from the community. Then added a couple of new pages with info for contributors and programmers, in preparation for a second release.

On the 24th, integrated changes by JJ and a tweak to the portable device CSS, built the site, and released edition 2.0.2b.

On the 25th, between feasts, implemented the Collection Builder function, then on the 26th I tweaked it for responsive design, and made some other optimizations to make things work even better on portable devices.

On the 27th, worked on the responsive menu in an issue branch.

On the 28th, finished the basic work on the responsive menu, and merged it into dev. Because of a rendering discrepancy between FF and other browsers, I ended up switching the hamburger menu label from a font glyph to an SVG. Also added a placeholder SVG favicon, and tweaked various CSS settings.

On the 29th, did some more testing and tweaks, then released 2.0.2b, and wrote to the scholars to update them on changes. Then added some stats to the diagnostics.

On the 30th, responded to tickets on abbreviations and date suffix rendering. Then added alphabetic letter links to three different listings pages, as well as adding in the original home page logo, and made a few other fixes, then released 2.0.3b.

On the 31st, realized that the .htaccess file on the server, which gives access to the folder listing for the XML files, had been (naturally) removed by the rsync of subsequent versions, so I added a build step that recreates it (but not on Jenkins, where we don’t want it).