ASLE will once again offer a number of pre-conference workshops and seminars led by prominent environmental writers and critics:
- Workshops
- Approaching the Academic Job Search: A Workshop for Graduate Students, with Michael Branch, editor of Reading the Roots: American Nature Writing before Walden, and Paul Bogard and Angela Waldie, ASLE Graduate Student Liaisons (SPACE AVAILABLE!)
- Habitat Studies: An Experiment in Ecocriticism, with Laurie Ricou, author of Salal: Listening for the Northwest Understory (SPACE AVAILABLE!)
- Place-based Pedagogy, with Laird Christensen and Hal Crimmel, editors of Teaching about Place: Learning from the Land (WORKSHOP FULL!)
- Writing with the Elements, with Ann Fisher-Wirth, author of Carta Marina, and Patrick Lawler, author of Feeding the Fear of the Earth (SPACE AVAILABLE!)
- Seminars
- Animal Studies, with Linda Kalof, author of Looking at Animals in Human History, and Nicole Shukin, author of Animal Capital: Rendering Life in Biopolitical Times (SEMINAR FULL!)
- Ecocriticism, Globalization and Cosmopolitanism, with Ursula Heise, author of Sense of Place and Sense of Planet: The Environmental Imagination of the Global (SEMINAR FULL!)
- Ecological Media, with Michael Ziser and Andrew Hageman (SEMINAR FULL!)
General Information
Date and Time: All workshops and seminars will be held from 2-5 pm on June 2 and will be limited to 15 participants each.
Workshops vs. Seminars: Workshops are generally more creative (and involve writing and discussion during the workshop), while seminars are generally more scholarly (and involve reading assigned texts and writing brief position papers before the seminar). But these are fluid categories, so be sure to click on the name of each workshop and seminar listed above for a more detailed description of what is involved. One other difference is that seminar participants will be listed in the conference program, along with the titles of their position papers.
More on Seminars: In response to questions and readings selected by the seminar leaders, participants will write brief position papers on the seminar topic and submit them to the seminar leaders no later than May 1. Seminar leaders will facilitate circulation of the papers, with specific instructions for comments or response, prior to the conference. At the conference, each seminar leader will moderate the discussion about each paper submitted by participants. We particularly encourage graduate students and younger scholars to consider attending the conference as seminar participants. Because titles of position papers will be listed in the conference program, we encourage (but will not require) seminar participants to consider attending the seminar in lieu of presenting at the conference itself (rather than doing both).
Registration and Fees
Registration: Advanced registration is required for workshops and seminars. Registration begins October 15 and closes March 15 (or when full, whichever is earlier). To register, send an email to danp [at] umn [dot] edu, and include the name of the workshop or seminar for which you want to register, as well as your name, mailing address, title (professor, graduate student, etc.), and institution (if applicable). Please be sure to check the listing above to make sure that space is still available in the workshop or seminar for which you want to register. (We will update the listing as soon as possible when a workshop or seminar is full.) Workshop and seminar leaders will be in touch with registrants by March 15 at the latest to make any necessary preparations.
Fees: In order to participate in a workshop or seminar, you must also register for the conference. In addition, a $15 fee will be charged for participation in each workshop and seminar. The fee will be collected when you register for the conference, not when you register for your workshop and seminar.