ASLE Awards in Ecocriticism and Environmental Creative Writing
The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) will present its second biennial book awards at its 2009 conference.
The Book Awards will be presented in two categories:
- the best book-length monograph of scholarly ecocriticism published in 2007 or 2008
- the best book-length monograph in creative writing (any genre) on an environmental theme published in 2007 or 2008
NOTE: Anthologies or collections are not eligible in either category. Works of narrative scholarship, or works that in other ways blend scholarly criticism with creative writing, can only be submitted in one category, which must be indicated in an accompanying letter.
Works may be submitted by either the author or publisher.
Nominees must be members of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment or one of its international affiliates as of January 1, 2009.
Works must be in English.
Three copies of the nominated book should be sent to:
Tom Lynch
ASLE Awards
Department of English
University of Nebraska
202 Andrews Hall
P.O. Box 880333
Lincoln, NE 68588-0333
Deadline for receipt of all materials is January 15, 2009.
The awards will be presented at the Eighth Biennial ASLE Conference, June 3-6, 2009, in Victoria, British Columbia.
Both awards include a prize of $500 in addition to inclusion in the conference banquet program.
For further information contact Tom Lynch: tlynch2 [at] unl [dot] edu
Graduate Student Awards in Ecocriticism and Environmental Creative Writing
The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) will once again honor the best work of graduate students by presenting two awards for presentations made at its 2009 conference:
- the best scholarly paper in ecocriticism by a graduate student presented at the 2009 conference
- the best work of environmental creative writing (any genre) by a graduate student presented at the 2009 conference
In each category works will be judged by an international panel of judges.
Winners must be members of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) and/or the Association for Literature, the Environment and Culture in Canada (ALECC) as of May 1, 2009, and should have been enrolled as a graduate student within the previous seven months.
Both awards include a prize of $100, publication in ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, and inclusion in the conference banquet program.
The paper that is submitted for either of these awards must be essentially the same paper that is presented at the conference. Longer works abbreviated for "paper jam" sessions are eligible, but the complete work must be submitted for consideration. Submissions longer than 12 double-spaced pages will not be accepted.
Papers must be submitted as an email attachment no later than May 1, 2009. Submissions, and any questions, should be sent to tlynch2 [at] unl [dot] edu
Please send in .doc or .rtf format, not .docx.
Graduate Student Travel Awards
Again this year, ASLE will provide a limited number of small grants to assist financially needy graduate students with expenses related to conference attendance. Each grant will total approximately $100, and the number of grants available will depend upon the total amount of donations received to cover this assistance. ASLE members who can help us build this fund are strongly encouraged to do so, either by including a donation when registering for the conference online (see the designated box on the registration page) or by sending a check directly to:
Amy McIntyre, Managing Director
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment
P.O. Box 502
Keene, NH 03431
Students wishing to apply for one of these grants should send a one-page e-mail to Tom Hillard (ThomasHillard [at] boisestate [dot] edu) by 5 pm EST on April 15. The email should include:
- the applicant's name, contact information, and institutional affiliation
- whether they have a paper accepted for presentation in Victoria and the title of said paper
- where they are in their studies (e.g., ABD, 1st year Ph.D., M.A. student, etc.)
- their estimated travel expenses (airfare only, please)
- if they expect to receive funding from other sources for their travel
- a statement of whether they have received travel assistance from ASLE in the past
A special task force of ASLE Executive Council members will review applications and make awards by May 1.