Still waiting on a couple of queries from JT, but the text is marked up, and it's uploaded.
One query in with JT so far.
New bits just came in from JT.
All done except the body text.
Did a bunch of semi-automated tagging of titles etc. in the context of the document in OOo (sometimes it's easier to catch titles when you can see the italics, and this one has lots of glossed titles for which I can use Transformer). Tomorrow I'll set up the document and start on the real markup. Still waiting for author info.
A handful of queries are outstanding with JT, and some images may need cropping, but other than that it's done. One more article is outstanding for the film edition, but JT doesn't have a complete version yet.
Did the header and metadata, and also marked up the biblio, which is relatively short. Sent two questions to JT on biblio items.
Encoded the biblio (in the process updating some of my documentation on the blog). This is now up on the proofing site.
Only the biblio remaining. Also set up XEP rendering to PDF in oXygen 11, which I'm currently using alongside 10.
Lots of images in this document -- five in a row, at one point. We'll have to think about layout here, once the markup is done.