Sent full vol PDF and extracted colour plates pdf to S at the bookstore for reprint. Fixed Durbach version uploaded to site.
Some acknowledgements need to be added to images in the Durbach translation, so I first experimented with adding them to the actual image files; that proved unworkable because all the images have different resolutions, and are scaled differently in the PDF output, so the text ends up inelegantly scaled and shows at different sizes. I've now added the acknowledgement to the caption of each figure, and asked HT if that will work OK.
The print volume has arrived, so page numbers are now set in stone; I've added them to all the articles and reviews, and set all the previously unpublished contents to published. I also reverted the PDF of the master volume to a previous state prior to the addition of the section heading page, since the one that was printed was that version. The cover still has two different page numbers -- that's not in svn -- but when I get a moment I'll revert that too.
Still missing keywords. That means I'm up to date for vol 24 submissions right now.
Posted for proofing.
Trudging on through it at the end of the day. More than two-thirds done now.
...while waiting for another meeting to start.
Per HT, last minute change to the rendering which added an additional title page heading up the Editions and Translations section. Since this changed page numbering, had to redo the cover. Turned out to be a wild goose chase, since the press had already rolled, but it'll be there for next issue.
Finished the bibliography and moved onto the main body of the document; I'm enhancing the tagging tools as I go, and they're getting very slick.
Lots of progress with tagging tools and Schematron. Metadata and half the biblio done so far.