
Legislative Assembly, 9 July 1866, New Brunswick Confederation Debates



Certain Bills were read a third time.
On the reading for the third time of the Bill authorizing the appointment of Deputy Registrars, objections were taken to certain provisions by Measrs. Johnson, Williaton, Connell and Chandler, and on putting the question whether it should be sent to the Legislative Council for their concurrence, it was carried in the negative.
Mr. CHANDLER moved the following Resolution :
" That the Royal Gazette be no longer sent to the Magistrates throughout the country, but be sent to the Clerks of the Peace for the respective Counties."
Mr. CHANDLER said the reason why he brought forward this motion was that the sending of the Gazette to the Magistrates of the country cost some ÂŁ500, and in many cases they were not received by the parties for whom they were intended, and frequently when received were not read. This great expense should be saved if possible.
Mr. McADAM said that he did not know how that would work, for the Government advertising now must be inserted in the Gazette alone, and the public would be deprived of the requisite knowledge of the sales of lands and other matters.
Mr. HIBBARD thought his hon. colleague was acting against his own future interests, as the list of Magistrates is now so large that they form the largest portion of the community. The Gazette was of great value to the Magistrates, as they give the laws before they are issued in pamphlet form.
Hon. Mr. WILLISTON would support the motion on the ground of economy. He should like to have the opinion of the Secretary on the question.
Hon. Mr. TILLEY was pleased to hear any motion that would tend to reduce the expenditure, the question was whether it was economy in the right direction. He always thought that the withdrawing of the advertising of Crown Lands from the local newspapers was an impolitic proceedings, and now as the only method of making public the sale of Crown Lands is through the Gazette, he was of opinion that the curtailing of its circulation would be prejudicial.
Mr. JOHNSON took the same view of the matter, and hoped the hon. mover would not press it at this late period of the Session.
Mr. CHANDLER by leave would withdraw the Resolution, as it was evident it did not meet with favour.
The motion was withdrawn.


Dr. DOW moved the following Resolution :
Resolved,—That a Committee be appointed to make arrangements during the recess for the Reporting and Publishing the Debates of this House at the next Session of the Legislature.
The following members were appointed the Committee -Dr. Dow, Hon. Mr. Connell, and Mr. Wetmore.
A messenger from His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, announced that His Excellency commanded their attendance in the Legislative Council Chamber. The House having attended, His Excellency was pleased to Prorogue the Assembly with the following


Mr. President and Hon. Gentlemen of the Legislative Council :
Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly:
I have learned with much satisfaction that she opinion so strongly expressed by Her Majesty's Government, as to the expediency of a closer Union between the British North American Provinces, has now received the concurrence of both Branches of the Provincial Legislature.
It is my intention, in accordance with the wishes of the House of Atsembly shortly to appoint Delegates who, in conjunction with Delegates from the other Provinces of British America, will arrange with Her Majesty's Government the details of an Act which, as requested by the Address of the Legislative Council to Her Majesty the Queen, adopted in April last, will be introduced into the Imperial Parliament for the purpose, of effecting the desired Union.
In the Bill to which I have just assented, suspending in certain cases the operation of the Habeas Corpus Act, I recognize a proof of your watchful case for the tranquility of the Province. The mischievous designs of the Fenian : conspirator have, it is true, been frustrated : but it will, I fear, be necessary for some time to come to exercise a careful vigilance entirely to prevent the revival of their projects.
Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly :
I thank you for the readiness and unanimity with which you have provided for the exigencies of the Public Service.
Mr. President and Hon. Gentlemen of the Legislative Council:
Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly :
The Queen has been graciously pleased to confide to me the discharge of important duties in another part of Her Majesty's Dominions ; and in now taking leave of you on your return to your respective Counties, I do so for the last time.
I cannot quit without regret, a Province to which I have become sincerely attached, and, whilst I mark with deep interest the progress of the new nation of which New Brunswick will form no unimportant part, I shall ever watch with special concern the future fortunes of this portion of British America.
That it may continue to be happy and prosperous is my earnest prayer.


New Brunswick. Reports of the Debates of the House of Assembly. St. John: G.W. Day, 1865-1867. Microfilm copies provided by the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.



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