
House of Commons, 10 March 1902, Canadian Confederation with Alberta and Saskatchewan

945 MARCH 10, 1902 946
Mr. FRANK OLIVER (Alberta). It would be uncourtcous on the part of the mem- bers from the North-west, opportunity being given them, if they did not respond and acknowledge the very kind advice that has been tendered to them as to the attitude they should assume on public questions. I am glad to hear the hon. member who has just sat down (Mr. Brock) and so many other hon.members, lecture those of us who come from the North-west on the principles of patriotism. Since when did we of the North-west require to be lectured on the principles of patriotism, of Canadian nation- alism? Our presence in the North-west is evidence of our naitionalism? Otherwise we would be along with the million and more of our countrymen who are residents in the United States to-day. Those of us who are in the North-west are there because we are patriotic Canadians, because we are nationalists in the large and complete sense of the term, rather than for any other reason. We do not have to be taught nationalism at the hands of any- one, no matter how highly respected he may be in this House or elsewhere. Particularly let me say that we do not require to be lec- tured on the duty of holding a broad national 947 COMMONS 948 view of national questions, when we are dealing with a subject that involves a matter of between $25,000,000 and $50,000,000 of the wealth of this country, produced in one, year, we do not need to be lecture by men who to-day are badgering the government for an increase in the duties on wollen goods, a matter that interests a section of the people, a section of the country, something that requires attention possibly, but I ask you, Mr. Speaker, does it bear any proportion, any comparison, to the interest involved in the matter that has been engaging the attention of the House to-night?
We have been discussing a question involving the prosperity, the growth, the welfare of the North-west, and thereby involving the growth, the prosperity and the welfare of the Dominion of Canada. For, I ask you, where else have you an inrease of wealth? Where else have you an increase of prosperity, as shown by the census returns, but in that great west? Would no Canada be retrograding in population but for the great North-west? Where does that increase come from of which Canada boasts within the last few years, except from the country west of Lake Superior? I take the liberty of saying that this Canada of ours would be but a poor Canada, would offer but a poor inducement for a man to proclaim himself a Canadian, were it not  for the country west of Lake Superior.


Canada. House of Commons Debates, 1875-1949. Provided by the Library of Parliament.



Selection of input documents and completion of metadata: Gordon Lyall.

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