John Taylor
(b. 1578, d. 1653)
John Taylor is mentioned in the following documents:
John Taylor authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Taylor, John. All the vvorkes of Iohn Taylor the water-poet Beeing sixty and three in number. Collected into one volume by the author: vvith sundry new additions corrected, reuised, and newly imprinted, 1630. London: Iohn Beale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet for Iames Boler, 1630. STC 23725.
Taylor, John. All the Workes of John Taylor the Water-Poet. London: J[ohn] B[eale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, Thomas Fawcet], and James Boler. STC 23725.
Taylor, John. The carriers cosmographie. London, 1637. STC 23740.
Taylor, John. The colde tearme: or, the frozen age: or the metamorphosis of the Riuer of Thames. London, 1621. STC 23910.
Taylor, John. A full and compleat Anſwer. London, 1642. Wing T461.
Taylor, John. Iohn Taylors last voyage. F.L. for John Taylor, 1641. STC 23725.
Taylor, John. The praise and vertue of a jayle, and jaylers. London: John Haviland for Richard Badger, 1623. STC 23785.
Taylor, John. The resolution of the Round-heads. London, 1641. Wing R1157A.
Taylor, John. Taylors travels and circular perambulation, through, and by more then thirty times twelve signes of the Zodiack, of the famous cities of London and Westminster With the honour and worthinesse of the vine, the vintage, the wine, and the vintoner; with an alphabeticall description, of all the taverne signes in the cities, suburbs, and liberties aforesaid, and significant epigrams upon the said severall signes. London, 1636. STC 23805.