Forster, W. F.
Biographical information is not yet available for this person.
Mentions of this person in the documents
- Lugard, Sir Edward to Elliot, Thomas Frederick 18 April 1863, CO 60:17, no. 3913,
- Lugard, Sir Edward to Elliot, Thomas Frederick 28 May 1863, CO 60:17, no. 5193, 355.
- Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes to Douglas, Chief Factor
Governor Vice-Admiral Sir James 10 July 1863, NAC RG7:G8C/10, 501.
- Lugard, Sir Edward to Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic 3 October 1863, CO 60:17, no.
9615, 380.
- Lugard, Sir Edward to Elliot, Thomas Frederick 12 January 1864, CO 60:20, no. 251,
- Clarke, Son and Rawlins to Cardwell, Edward 8 December 1865, CO 305:27, no. 11915,