According to this despatch, the barque Colinda, owned by Mr. Tomlin of London, was chartered by the Hudson's Bay Companyin 1853 to carry supplies and new emigrants to Victoria from England. This same despatch reports that off the coast of Chile, the passengers of Colinda incited a mutiny and forced Captain John Powell Mills to anchor at the Port of Valdivia, and that the passengers were tried at Valparaiso and acquitted based on lack of evidence. Apparently, they remained in Chile and refused to continue on under the command of Mills.
This despatch, by Douglas, describes the mutiny. It reports that Mills, who was also part owner of Colinda, sold much of the cargo owned by the Hudson's Bay Company. Moreover, Mills refused to pay the HBC in full for the undelivered goods and was arrested upon landing at Victoria. Colinda eventually returned to London under the command of James M. Reid.
Mills's account of the incident can be found in this private correspondence. He claims that Governor Douglas seized the Colinda in the Queens Name and converted [the ship] into a brothel for prostitutes and drunkards. Douglas's response to Mills's complaints can be found in this despatch.
Mentions of this vessel in the documents