I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatches of
the numbers and dates noted in the margin

No. 34—17 May, 66
‹"‹‹37—2 June‹‹"
‹"‹‹40—4 "‹‹‹‹"
respecting the loss of the Mail Steamer "
Labouchere" and I have to
convey to you
my approval of the course which you pursued on the
The Report of the Board of Inquiry states that Her Majesty's Mails
were not stowed in the proper part of the ship and were less attended to
than private letters and papers. I do not doubt that your attention
will have been attracted by this passage, and that in any subsequent
contract for the carriage of Mails, you will have inserted some
provision which may
appear best suited to ensure proper attention to
their safety.