This letter from the
F.O. is singularly inaccurate in it's
references to the case and the questions contained in ours of the
15. The offence of the U.S. Consul was not [that] he
celebrated the National Anniversary—for this c be no cause of
annoyance to us as the writer of the
F.O. letter seems to
imagine—but that he celebrated it 1 by the discharge of
w I believe is
not "the manner in which the Queen's birthday is celebrated by
the Queen's Agents:" 2 that he did so in direct violation of the
Gov authority. It is not to the point that Independance day is
kept all over the U.S. by such discharges of artillery, for the
essence of this transaction is that it occurred in the Colony
within 1/2 mile of the Public Offices.
This must be pointed out to the
F.O. stating at the same time that
in my

opinion the Consuls act was a breach of courtesy and good
taste rather [than] any serious cause for complaints, that though
thinking it right to give
L Stanley the opportunity of expressing
any op on the issue of any instructions to Col. Gov I am quite
content to leave the matter as it stands.
In replying it s be borne in mind that no objection of course
exists to the celebration of a national anniversary by the
discharge of guns from a
Gov ship: but this was done by private & unauthorised
persons on board a private boat.
The d will require care.
Lord Carnarvon
I should think the Consul's case
w be this. He would say
I never heard that there was any law in
V.C. Island (nor does the
Gov positively state that there is one)
w prevents any man
from firing any number of guns he likes on his own property or from a
vessel belonging to or hired by him.
I had the intention of firing these guns from some spot, a boat, a
w I could procure for the occasion, but
sh have preferred
Beacon hill (I suppose public property) if the
Gov w have let
me have it for the purpose. But the
Gov w not let me have it
and therefore I recurred to my original intention of firing from
a hired vessel. I was not called to take any notice of his refusal
to give "an official sanction" (
w refusal was no doubt very
natural) to

a proceeding with which he had no power to interfere
"officially" in one way or the other. In fact his refusal to give
an "official sanction" almost implied that personally he had no
I do not see how this could be answered on the papers as they
sh be inclined to instruct the
Gov that there is no objection
to the Celebration of the American anniversary by any means in
themselves harmless. And that the
Gov may properly give a
countenance or facility
to such celebrations as he
w be justified in giving
to the celebration of the Birthday of any Foreign Soveriegn by the
subjects of that Sovereign. That if the means adopted by Americans
are contrary to law, as he supposes, he
after due notice
impose the law for their prevention—if they are not contrary to
law but are so calculated to cause danger or inconvenience as to
justify Legislative prohibition he
sh procure the passing of a
Law prohibiting the inconvenient or dangerous practices not of
course with reference to the U.S. but generally as matter of
municipal regulation. If the mode of celebration, though
objectionable & inconvenient is yet not
illegal nor so inconvenient as to justify legislative interference
sh use his influence with the U.S. Consul in order to
discountenance such practices, and in case his remonstrances, are
sh report what had passed to the S. of State.
But if the mode of celebration whether by firing guns or
otherwise is not inconvenient dangerous or illegal, but only is
viewed with dislike by certain British subjects, he
w act most
prudently in refusing to interfere

with the American mode of
celebrating their holiday, and taking any opportunity
w may occur
to him to discountenance any hostile feeling to that demonstration
on the part of the English Colonists.
sh be inclined to draft an instruction somewhat in this sense &
send it for concurrence to the
It appears to me that while it is desirable not to encourage
"Americanizing" practices in our Colonies, it is quite as desirable
to prevent an antagonistic policy bet British & Americans w
will prevent the American from amalgamating & becoming what I fancy
they tend to become—good average subjects.
There is g force in
Sir F. Rogers' remarks, especially in his
concluding paragraph.
1 therefore df a desp: to the
Gov in the sense
of the min.
2. df a letter to the
F.O. forwarding to them for their
information the desp: to the
The letter to the
F.O. may begin by expressing my concurrence in
L Stanley's op that every facility s be given to American
citizens to celebrate their national Anniversary & the same
latitude as is accorded to the "Queen's Agents" elsewhere. But
that such celebration s be in accordance with the laws of the
Colony & the usages elsewhere recognised and that the alleged
offence of the Consul consists not in the celebration of such
anniversary but in the unauthorised discharge of artillery from a
private vessel, by private persons in a part of the Colony
w is
said to be inconvenienced.
That it is of course quite competent

for the Americans to keep
Independence day by salvos of artillery all over the U.S. but that
the gist of the alleged offence on the part of the Consul is that it
occurred in the Colony, within 1/2 mile of the Public Offices.
That the act of the Consul was in my opinion a breach of good taste
rather than a cause of serious complaint & that I propose to write
the enclosed desp. to the Gov on the subject.
Then add a sentence on the general importance of maintaining
harmony & good will between H.M. subjects & any Americans resident
in the Colony much in the sense of
Sir F. Rogers' min.