N 11 the Harbour Dues Act
sh be referred to the B of Trade.
The rest may I think be allowed to remain in operation. The only

with respect to
w I see any question are the Liquor Licence
Act N 2 and the Homestead Act N 6.
The first is simple. It merely reduces the suburban Liquor Licence
from 60£ per ann—the urban rate—to 12£ the rural rate. It will, I
suppose transfer a certain number of spirit shops from within the
town limits to spots just beyond the limits. Considering the great
evils of liquor shops in Colonies where Indians exist, I think this a
step in the wrong direction. I would observe upon this and reserve
HM's confirmation of the Law till a report sh be rec shewing why
this relaxation is made.
The homestead act is a very singluar one and deserves to be read.
In view of the exigencies of a new Country, it reestablishes in
modified shape the principle—obsolete in England—of exempting real
property from liability for the debts of its owner. That is it
enacts that any person [may] register a "homestead" of a
value not exceeding about [partly off microfilm] £—w when so
registered he may retain in spite of his insolvency.
This is also to my mind [is?] a questionable [question?]. I cannot

but think that the spirit of Anglo Saxon law is too lenient towards
insolvents: and encourages dishonesty under the name of "spirit"
"enterprise" "smartness" &c.
In this law it is to be said—1. That it is a protection to the
innocent family of a bankrupt who cannot be turned out of their home.
2. That it enables people to do honestly under protection of the Law,
what they will otherwise effect by more or less dishonest or
questionable shifts.
Against it—that when a man can thus secure himself to the extent of
500£ he is very likely to play a reckless (i.e. dishonest) game with
the other 500£.
If I had been legislating in this matter I sh have been inclined
to add one or both of the foll Checks in dishonesty.
1. That the homestead sh not be exempt from seizure in case of
bankruptcy, unless the assets divided among the creditors were (say
twice) the value of the homestead.
2. (If such a provision c be made to work) That the after acquired
property of the bankrupt sh remain liable for his debts (like that
of an insolvent [family?])
to the extent of the value of the homestead
w he did not surrender to his creditors on his Bankruptcy.
I do not like interfering from this Country with the struggles w a
young community makes to adjust its laws to its exigencies. I w
therefore deal gently with this Law—& w acknowledge the propriety
of the motives with w it was passed—w point out that Legislation
of this kind tends to encourage recklessness in the transaction of
business—& w suggest these two amendments.
All the other Acts, i.e. all but the Harbour Act, the Liquor Act &
the Homestead Act may I think be sanctioned.