With reference to my Despatch, No. 57, of the
11th of October last,
transmitting Copies of Correspondence with
the Treasury and the Post
Office, as far as it had then proceeded, on the regulation of the Post
Vancouver Island,
I have the honor to enclose, for your information,
the accompanying Copy of a further communication from
the Treasury.
If the Legislature refuse to pass the laws necessary for
establishing a postal system, it will be your
duty to exert such
authority as in the opinion of your
Law Officers you legally possess to
supply the want of Legislation. But if you should find that your lawful
powers as Governor are not sufficient to prevent public inconvenience,
it will be better that you should leave the Community to suffer the
consequences imposed upon them by the legislation or non-legislation of
their Representatives than that you should incur the responsibility of
any proceedings
which are not warranted by Law.