I am directed by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for
Trade to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the
15 Ultimo
transmitting Copy of a Despatch from the Governor of
Island requesting that six Ruby shades may be procured and sent from
England for the
Fisgard Lighthouse and also enclosing a requisition
for Lighthouse Stores.
In reply I am to request that you will move
M Secretary Cardwell to
cause the Governor to be informed that one Ruby shade has been
delivered to Messrs
Eives and
Macey of King William Street London, to
go viĆ¢
Panama; that two shades have been
shipped with the other
Lighthouse Stores by the "
which goes round
Cape Horn; and
that of the remaining three shades one will be sent to Her Majesty's
Consul at
Panama, the other two by the next Vessel which sails round
Cape Horn.