M Elliot
Hampton of
M Wakefords resignation of his
appointment of Police Magistrate at Perth with reference to
Cardwells dispatch
N 23 of the
25 of Feb last. The Salary of the
appointment is £360 per annum & I presume that the Governor will be
allowed to select
M Wakefords successor. It will be necessary to
inform the Agents with reference to the letter respecting the
continuance of the payment of
M Wakefords half salary which

addressed to them on the
1 of June last. By that letter they were
authorized to Continue the issue of the half salary to the
14 of
June last.
M Wakefords resignation (I am assuming that he is
confirmed in his new appointment) is dated the
26 of June so that
they will have to be authorized to pay
M Wakefords half salary on
account of his office of Police Magistrate for the additional twelve