In answer to your Despatch No. 75 of the
14th of September, I have
the honor to acquaint you that I have authorized the
Crown Agents to
accept and pay your Bills for £4,000 out of the proceeds of the
Vancouver Loan. The Treasurer states in his
letter to you of the
of September that he proposes to draw these Bills, because the balance
in the treasure is insufficient to defray current expenditure. I am not
sure what may be meant by these words, but you will of course take care
that the proceeds of your Bills
drawn against the Loan are only expended
on the objects for which that Loan is raised.
I am informed by the
Crown Agents that after paying the present
Bills for £4000, the remaining balance of the Loan will be about £3,300
to which amount therefore
any further Bills on this account must be