The facts of the case are as follows—
M Cary was
Att Gen for
B. Columbia with a salary of
400£ and private practice—which included payment for all Suits
& prosecutions
w he conducted for
Gov. He accepted also the
Att Generalship for
V.C.I. on similar terms as to practice in the
first place with salary, but subsequently with a salary of 300£.
In this state of things a Solicitors bill was taxed and the fees paid
M Cary, in a
Gov case, were reduced by the Taxing Master.
On this the
Gov refused to allow
M C. to retain more than the
reduced amount of fees, and started the doubt whether a salaried
officer ought to receive fees at all for doing
Gov work.
M Cary, I collect, paid into
the Treasury the amount in dispute—&
subsequently, on grounds unconnected with the dispute, but
w do not
appear very creditable to him resigned the
Att Gen.
As to the particular sum in question
M Cary says that he is
entitled to be paid for work done for
Gov—and that if paid at
all, he
sh be paid at the same rate as any other Lawyer. I think
he is right. The amount of salary (300£) is plainly no remuneration
for doing all that
Gov Ky call on him to do, & it is plain from
Woods letter (9942
V.C.I.) uncontradicted by the Governor, that it
was not supposed to be so. And

in the absence of any agreement to
the contrary I think he is entitled to the
usual fees. If therefore it is true in point of fact that his
charges are the usual charges in such cases,
w there cannot be any
difficulty in ascertaining, he
sh receive them. If in the contrary
the assessment of the taxing master is to be considered as a decision
on this point (i.e. if it is a taxation, not as between Suitors,
but as between attorney & client) then the
Gov sh keep the
money which
M Cary has refunded.
I should so write to the Governor.
Prospectively the question arises what agreement shall be made with

Att Gen & who shall be appointed.
M Kennedy says appoint from home & I dare say he is right. But it
is impossible to appoint till the
Gov & Legisl settle what
the A.G. is to receive, & determine whether that salary shall be
large enough to cover all that may be required of him for
Gov. I
think the best arrangement
w be that he should have such a Salary
as will pay him for all
Gov work—with liberty to engage in private
practice. This is a temptation to scamp or shirk work, as the fee
system is a temptation to make work: and I am inclined to think with
Gov the latter evil the greatest.
M C's decision
sh be
communicated to the Gov.. Vide 9779, 9942, Vic.
Vanc Island. Attorney General's fees & Salary