Sir F. Rogers
M Watson was the manager of the Branch Bank of B.N.A. at
Island. He was offered and accepted the post of Colonial Treasurer
with a salary of £500 per ann. payable out [of] the Crown Land
Revenue—£400 a year having previously been the salary of the Office.
He now asks for an increase of salary up to £600 (which is the amount
proposed in the Civil List despt. to be assigned to the Treasurer)
alleging that
Gov. Douglas had recommended that the salary of the
Office should be increased.
It appears to me that
Governor D. has fulfilled his promise. The
Office—tho' not in
Mr. W.'s time was £400. For
Mr. Watson it has
been augmented to £500. I see no expectation held out by the Governor
of augmentation beyond that sum. But we have

ourselves without
solicitation on the part of any body raised the salary to £600—which
I quite think was no more than right
to do—
when the Crown Land funds shd. be surrendered to the
Assembly in exchange for a Civil List.
Mr. Watson, however, wants
the increased rate at once. Taking into consn. the very unsettled
position of the Civil List question I scarcely think the S. of State
can prudently acquiesce in that application, unless the Governor means
(for he does not explain himself) that the increase is to come from
the Assembly. If that is his intention we can have no objection to
Mr. Watson at once receiving the increased rate of Salary.