I have to acknowledge your letter of
2 instant, with a despatch
from the Governor of
VanCouvers Island requesting instructions as to
the answer to be given to an Address from the Legislature of that
Colony, in which they ask for copies of the correspondence between
Colonial Office and the Governor, and between the Governor and
Hudsons Bay C respecting the Townsite of
2. As far as relates to the

correspondence between the Colonial
Office and the Governor I am aware of no objection to the production
of the papers which the Legislative Council desire to have. As
regards the correspondence between the Governor and the Hudsons Bay
C I can express no opinion, as no complete copy of that
correspondence has been sent home. Upon that point the Governor must
I think be left to his own discretion—but if one part of the
correspondence is produced it does not occur to me that there can be
any objection in

principal to the production of the whole.