I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Grace's circular
Despatch of the
30 of April last, acquainting me that, on account
of inconveniences lately experienced in an important Colony, Your
Grace had laid down the rule

there that no Public Servant employed in
the receipt issue or custody of public monies ought to be concerned
in the management of any Bank, Railroad or other Commerical
undertaking; leaving however a discretionary power with the Governor
to waive the prohibition in the case of other Government Officers who
may be already engaged in the management of Commerical Enterprises so
long as they shall retain their existing

appointments, and Your Grace
desires to be informed whether there is any objection to establishing
the same rule in the Colony of
Vancouver's Island.
2. I have to observe with reference to the subject of Your Grace's
Enquiry that I am not aware of any objection to the course which Your
Grace proposes to take in this matter—on the contrary I conceive
that the rule may be established with great advantage

to the public
interests and should be made applicable to every Public Officer in
the Colony.