As a part of the scheme of improvement of
Victoria Harbor determined
upon by this Government it was settled to employ a Dredging Machine
aided by a Steam tug. For some Months past we have been in
negotiation with firms in
San Francisco for the supply of the
necessary Machinery. The high price of Iron at the present moment in
the United States, & other circumstances have however determined us
to obtain the Machinery from England; it being considered that the
increased delay consequent thereupon would be more than Compensated
for by the probable decrease in expenditure, and the certain
superiority of the material.
M Pemberton, the Surveyor General of the Colony, has proposed
in the interests of the Colony that it would be most satisfactory, if
some person well acquainted with
Victoria Harbor and with the
contemplated improvements were sent to superintend the construction
of the required Machinery; and he has offered, if he himself be
selected for the service, to bear all his own personal and travelling
expenses, and has undertaken that his absence from
the Colony shall
not exceed a period of Six Months. As
M Pemberton from his
position both as Surveyor General, and as a Member of the Harbor
Improvement commission, is undoubtedly the person best calculated for
employment upon the service in question, and as the Colony will not
be subject to outlay on account of his journey, I have not hesitated
to sanction the arrangement, & have in consequence instructed
Pemberton to leave for England by today's Steamer, for the
and under the conditions aforesaid.