With reference to my despatch No. 121 of the
15th of November
stating that
Mr. Berens had been requested to furnish this Department
with the plans alluded to in his letter of the
3rd ultimo, I have the
honor to enclose for your information copies of the plans
in question.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Plan No. 1, Harbour Master's Office, 29 July 1862.
Plan No. 2, Police Barrack and Prison Lot, no date.
Plan No. 3, Post Office Lot, 29 July 1862.
Plan No. 4, Plan of Public Park and School Reserve, 29 July 1862.
Plan No. 5, Church Reserve, Parsonage, and Public Cemetery, 29 July 1862
Plan No. 6, Government Offices, 29 July 1862.