I have received your despatch No. 38 of the
24th of July last,
enclosing 6 Acts passed by the Legislature of
Vancouver Island in
July last, which I have submitted to Her Majesty with my
recommendation that they should be left
to their operation.
I think it necessary however to call your attention to the effect
of the Act No. 59 "to protect the property of a Wife deserted by her
The alteration made by this Act in the Imperial Law for protecting
the property of deserted Wives seems an alteration for the worse, as it
appears that a poor woman,
deserted by her husband, who by honest
industry has collected a little property, will not be able under the
present Act, without troubling herself about questions of Law, to
obtain any protection for the property so acquired, but will remain
liable (notwithstanding any order which she may subsequently obtain) to
have the whole
of that property swept away by the husband or the
creditors of the husband who has deserted her.