Office of Committee of Privy Council for Trade,
Marine Department, Whitehall
14 July 1862
With reference to the letter from the Department of the 23rd May
1861 in which it was stated that a Statement would be forwarded of
the sum expended in respect of the Stores supplied for the Lighthouses at Vancouvers Island I am directed by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade to acquaint you that the
following Disbursements have been made by this Department in respect thereof viz
ForFor oil £ 82.10.00
Lighting, Stores, Oil Tins &c 211.10.11
Freight 62. 1. 0
£356. 1.11
I am to request that you will move the Duke of Newcastle to
cause the amount to be paid to Her Majesty's Paymaster General to the
credit of the Vote for Lighthouses abroad.
Mr Elliot
Adverting to the Closing paragraph of the Col: Office Letter of the
31 March/61 the Bd of Trade request the Agents General to advance (for I doubt their having any funds
in their hands belonging to V.C. Island or B. Columbia) the funds which are necessary for discharging
this claim.
Write to Govr Douglas instructing him to reimburse the Agents
Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 112, 24 July 1862,
requesting that he forward the required funds.
Elliot to Agents General, 24 July 1862, asking that the sum of
£356.1.11 be advanced to the Paymaster General to the credit of the
Vote for Lighthouses abroad.