I have the honor to transmit to you herewith the copy of a letter
the Treasury, relative to the Bills which you reported in your
despatch No. 48 of the
14th of November, and No. 17 of the
19th of February last that you had drawn on Her Majesty's Paymaster General for the extra pay of the
detachment of Royal Marines
at present serving in
San Juan.
The expenditure on account of these Marines while serving in
British Columbia and while stationed in
San Juan is chargeable to separate accounts in this Country, and I have to instruct you in
compliance with the request of the
Lords Commissoners of the Treasury
to furnish particulars of the services for which you have hitherto
drawn Bills on the
Paymaster General, and for the future to specify the
service upon the Bills themselves, in order that the amounts of your
drafts may be provided for from the proper sources.