In reply to Your Grace's Despatch of the
July 1861, "Separate", desiring me to furnish you with the particulars in connection with
claim made by the
Board of Admiralty to be repaid certain sums
according to Vouchers enclosed amounting in all to Fifty four Pounds
Fifteen Shillings and nine pence (£54.15.9) on account of Tables,
Hammocks &c supplied to Her Majesty's Ship
Tribune, I have the honour
to acquaint Your Grace that I believe some misunderstanding must
exist in respect to this charge.
2. On examination of the Vouchers I find that the Stores described,
were issued by Her Majesty's Ship
Tribune to the Detachment of Royal
Marines brought by that Ship from China, at the time of their
disembarcation at
Vancouver Island, and that they were not, as I
presume Your Grace apprehends, supplied for the service of the
Colonial Government. These Marines, the residue
of whom now form the
Garrison at
San Juan, the others having been distributed amongst the
Squadron, have all along been borne on the Books of one of Her
Majesty's Ships for their regimental pay and provisions. I therefore
venture to submit that the supply of these Stores was a service
legitimately connected with and devolving upon the Naval Department,
and that no claim in respect to it can exist against the Colonial