The question is concerning certain land surrounding Christ Church
Victoria, given to
that Church by the
Hudson's Bay Co.—but never formally & legally conveyed. At present, a movement
is going on in the Colony, to
evict the Church of Eng
out of this land & to make it a second Public Park there being one such Park already.
2. In consequence of certain pending

questions between the
H.B.C & H.M. Government, the former
declines to affix its seal to the legal conveyance of this land, lest such a step
sh prejudice their other
3. Meantime, the inconvenience to the Church is most serious—
(1) The Church cannot be consecrated.
(2) The Burial ground cannot be consecrated.
(3) The Land cannot be let or turned to account.
4. The Bishops residence—built on this land with a view to Ch[rist] Ch[urch] being
his Cathedral—is placed under
dispute. A Lawsuit has been commenced ag the [Bishop?] with
the object of disturbing his possession.
5. The Church is in danger of continual annoyances & persecutions at the hands of
men, newly arriving in the Colony,
who refuse to acknowledge the Church's

prescriptive right of possession to w[hi]ch
the old established residents willingly yield. The
Colonial Office & the
H.B.C. have the power of settling the question, without entangling it with the other subjects
in dispute.
7. The
C.O. &
combine to take this land devoted to religious purposes

& involving the future welfare of the Ch. of E. in the Colony, from the Category of
other lands in a similar state of suspense. And it
might, at once, be conveyed legally, by their common consent, to
Trustees [marginal note: Who?],
for the purposes to wch it was originally destined.
8. Should the fact of the
Cemetery having hitherto

used by all Denominations of religion in
Victoria, be raised into a difficulty, it would be easy
to establish the same rule wch prevails at home—to
divide the ground into a consecrated &
an unconsecrated part.
I beg earnestly to recommend him as an estimable clergyman, and his case as one of
He rests his claim on an agreement with the
Hudsons Bay C
to the responsibility of which the
succeeded in resuming the Island.
He would consider an equitable adjustment to be the sanction of H.M.
Gov to the payment of such amount
as [may not be?] provided by the land surrounding his Church.
This land called the Church Reserve was set apart several years ago to that Church.
The legal tenure is retained by the
pending their settlement with

An application has been made to them to withdraw this from the dispute, and allow
it to be conveyed to the purposes for which it has been already given.
We trust H.M. Gov will permit this arrangement
& allow the formal appropriation to be made.
At present much inconvenience and injury is caused. Several
important measures of our Church organization are obstructed. I am
unable to designate the Cathedral Church. Both the Church and Burial
ground are unconsecrated. The land cannot be leased.
Moreover want of the Legal title threaten to produce difficulties and
contention in a country

where land is so exciting a subject.
Permit me to thank you for the kind and valuable assistance you have
rendered the cause of one Mission by your advocacy at the [Mansion?]
House Meeting.
Believe me my dear Sir
Very faithfully yours
G. Columbia