The following Acts are not acted on for the reasons stated.
N 19 No decision has been adopted in respect of this Act.
N 20 [and] 21 Supply Acts for the year
1860. [Marginal
note: Exhausted. Let them alone.
N 24 Trades Licenses. This Act is repealed "save in so far
as any licenses and penalties accrued due or incurred heretofore are
concerned." Vide Act No 74 of
1862. In the marginal Abstract of the
Act of /
62 it is stated that the Trades Licenses Act /
60 is
repealed. Does the above quotation amount to an actual repeal? and
should the Act of /
60 now be sanctioned? [Marginal note:
1. Certainly. 2. No Let it alone. (
N 27 Real Estate Tax Act. Does the Act No 71 of
actually repeal this Act (as stated in the marginal abstract?) or
ought it to be now sanctioned?

[Marginal note: 1. Certainly. 2. No.
Let it alone. (
N 29 (or 7). This Act is repealed by No. 65 of
1862 so it
appears unnecessary to refer it to the B of Trade. [Marginal note:
Certainly. (
N 23 This Act is in force only for a year—the subsequent
Act No. 43 is entitled "To extend and amend the provisions of the
Firemans Protection Act/
60". If the Act of /
60 is
extended by the subsequent Act I presume it should be
sanctioned—but the subsequent Act seems not to extend the old Act as
the title states but to reenact it—so I have omitted it from the
list to be sanctioned. [Marginal note: Certainly. Let it alone.
N 36 The report promised by the Attorney General has not
been received.