I have received your despatch of the
23 March, No. 14,
forwarding a letter with several enclosures from
M E.E. Langford
containing a complaint against the Surveyor of
Vancouver's Island and
reflections upon yourself on account of an application which had been
made by
M Langford put word(s) here
for leave to purchase a certain lot of land in
Vancouver's Island.
You will have the goodness to inform
M Langford that I have
carefully perused all the documents submitted to me upon this
transaction and that I am unable to find any cause for blame in
Pemberton's conduct. Neither do I see that you showed any want of
readiness in investigating the case when your notice was called to it,
or that blame is attributable to you for the delay which occurred in
the answer of
M Pemberton to
M Langford.