Having a wish to settle as an agriculturist in
Vancouvers Island,
will your grace permit me to enquire what facilities the Goverment
afford to bona fide settlers in that colony, for the acquirement of
land &c? and whether the joint interests of the British Government &
the Hudsons Bay Coy. are likely soon to cease—and the island to be
placed under the same regulations as the adjoining
colony of
Columbia. [One line cut off microfilm] me with a copy of the
suveyor's reports and Index maps of the districts [of]
North &
South Saanich;
Highland, &
Sookes, already survey[ed]?
My sole object being to gain all the information necessary to enable
me to decide on the prudence of any proposed step. I trust your grace
will not think me intrusive. All the information likely to be of

will be fully appreciated by