With reference to your letter of the
11 Inst relative to Bills drawn
on account of the cost of construction of two Lighthouses in
Vancouvers Island, I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her
Majestys Treasury to transmit herewith copy of a letter from the
Board of Trade—dated
8 Inst—on this subject together with copy of
Their Lordships reply, and I am to request that you will move the
Secretary of State to instruct the Governor of
Vancouvers Island to
limit if possible the expenditure for the service within the amount
intimated in his Despatch
No 31 of
18 June.
Their Lordships wish to be favored with the opinion of the Secretary
of State whether the further sum required for the service beyond the
vote of £7000 should be inserted in the Estimate for Lighthouses to
be submitted to Parliament for the year 1861-2 on the understanding,
as before, that one half will be hereafter repaid from Colonial