I am to request that you will state to The
Duke of Newcastle, in
reply, that it appears to
Lord John Russell that it would be as well
to wait for further accounts before
Governor Douglas' conduct in this
matter is approved by His Grace.
Lord John Russell cannot but feel
Governor Douglas has incurred a
serious responsibility in
delaying to act upon The
Duke of Newcastle's Instructions of the
16 of November last, and that serious consequences may ensue if
the execution of those Instructions is further delayed.
Minutes by CO staff
No draft of approval was prepared: the intention was merely to
ascertain whether the
Foreign Office would concur in signifying
Answer that in accordance with the opinion expressed by
Lord John Russell no approval will for the present be signified of the delay to
occupy a part of the
Island of San Juan?
I think it is hardly necessary to send any answer.
I observe that my Minute on the despatch was dated
17 March
but the letter to the
F.O. was not drafted till
11 April. I approved the draft on
12 April and again
another delay in copying & sending till the
19 April. Such delay may often be very inconvenient and in
such a simple matter seems wanting in excuse.
I am not surprised at the observations of the Duke & wish to explain
that the first delay was occasioned by the necessity of circulating
the Governor's desp. 2830 a second time with some fresh papers which
arrived before we were able to execute His Grace's instructions. As
those papers—with the desp in question—did not reach us again for
some time we were forced into a delay, which so far as we were
concerned was unavoidable. The 2 delay is, in a great measure,
attributable to the system of copying we have recourse to. Under
ordinary circes we are scarcely ever able to send a Letter
off under 4 or 5 days at the soonest. In this case, however, as the
delay was one of 7 days I think we must be to blame. At any rate I
am unable now to account for it.